Fiona is available for key note presentations, speaking engagements and seminars offering a number topics relating to the wellness, coaching, stress management, energy management and personal development.
Keynote Topics
The what, why and how of achieving wellness
The positivity of coaching – how it can make a corporate wellness program fly
Creating sticky habits
Creating the lifestyle you want
Giving the power back to our clients (for health and fitness professionals)
Other seminar topics
Energy Management – staying on top of today’s hectic world
Creating your own Wellness Vision and make it happen
Making Stress your Friend
Changing habits, changing lives
Confidence - where to find it, how to use it
Organise your Mind, Organise your Life
Just some of the key note speaking engagements Fiona has presented at:
- Australian Health and Productivity Congress
- Australian Legal Practice Managers Summit
- FIA Annual conference in UK
- Australian Integrative Medicine Association
- MS Nurses annual Symposium
- Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association
Fiona Cosgrove speaking at the HPM conference