In the Defence of Mindlesness
/We are all advocating “mindfulness” as a desirable practice that can help improve our lives in many different ways. With our world being so full of things that can distract us, it can become difficult to focus on the task at hand, or even the person at hand, and we lose the joy and benefit of being closely connected to the moment.
However, I would like to say a few words in defence of, at times, being “mindless”! By that I am not referring to “thoughtlessness” which has another connotation, but to that state of being when our brains are disengaged and we are not intensely focused – well, really on anything! Why would this possibly be something we would set out to achieve and what am I really referring to?
I bring attention to the notion of letting our minds wander. Think about lying in bed chasing the sometimes elusive state of sleep. When we finally let go of the anxiety of having to fall into a deep slumber to get through the day’s next commitments, we will often go into a dream-like state when our thoughts flit from one scene to the other, before we actually nod off. I quite enjoy this feeling of ”letting go”. And when I head out for a training session, on the bike or by foot, there are times when letting my mind wander to a place other than the hard, unforgiving tarmac or pavement has real benefits. In fact I will often head out to train and come back with some great ideas for my business. I find that my creative brain comes alive when my physical body is doing what it does automatically. And lo and behold, the session is over without too much agony or negative mind talk.
Mindlessness can be a desirable state when we want to recharge our mental batteries, switch from thinking about one thing that may be causing us stress and for coming up with some left of centre ideas. Personally, I am all in favour of the occasional bout of mindlessness.